jueves, 16 de junio de 2016


Esta ha sido la tarta elegida por Beatriz para el bautizo de su segundo hijo, es un diseño elegido por ella inspirado en una creacion de ADK, una apuesta colorida y totalmente original para la ocasion, los bizcochos empezando por abajo son de chocolate relleno de ganache de chocolate, el piso intermedio es un red velvet relleno de crema de queso y el topper es un bizcocho aromatizado con citricos y relleno de crema de limon, muchisimas gracias por volver a pensar en mi en esta gran ocasion

1 comentario:

  1. Internationally,Hermes handbags Luxury is defined as "a kind of consumer goods with unique, rare and rare characteristics beyond the scope of people's survival and development needs", which is also known as non-life necessities.
    In economics, luxury refers to the product with the highest value/quality ratio.From another perspective,Replica Breitling luxury goods refer to products with the highest ratio of intangible value to tangible value.In the English dictionary, Luxury means Luxury and Luxus.Swiss watches Luxus was a Latin word for "great fertility", which became wasteful and unrestrained.Most European languages have adopted the concept, which is, to be exact, used to describe certain aspects of expenses and lifestyles that go beyond the necessary level in the production and use of various commodities.?


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